Quick wins
It's easy to unlock your first set of badges! Here are a few simple actions you can take to start decorating your page:

Personalise your fundraising page
You'll earn your first fundraising badge once you personalise your fundraising page.
Simply include a photo - it’s always inspiring to see the people behind a fundraising campaign.
Then, add a message to your supporters - think about what you want to achieve and why you have chosen this cause. Your 500 words or less can make a major difference.

Post your first Kosi update
Climbing Australia's largest mountain or taking on your own goal to match this in our virtual challenge is no easy feat.
Take your supporters on the journey with you by sharing updates of what you're doing to prepare and motivate yourself (e.g. training photos, progress updates, fundraising achievements).
Posting your first update will earn you a badge. Plus, showing people your passion for the cause may lead to more support for your efforts!

Share your page
You can also earn a badge by spreading the word.
On your fundraising page, you will find shareable links to use across multiple channels.
Share your page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Email it to your friends and family. Post, tweet and capture your training regime to show friends and family your dedication and commitment. Don’t forget to tag your posts with #kosichallenge.
Take it to the next level
Earned your first three badges? These next challenges are sure to test you, but we believe in you!

Receive your first donation
Receiving your first donation is a great accomplishment to celebrate when kick-starting your fundraising!
Earn this badge when your first supporter makes a donation.

Raise $250
Raise $250 and you'll unlock this badge to show off on your fundraising page!
Did you know that $250 will fund one night of accommodation for a rural or regional family receiving treatment in a metro cancer centre?

Raise $500
A milestone achievement! Earn this badge when you raise $500.
With this amount, we can design and implement a rare cancer support group.

Increase your fundraising goal
Sights set on something bigger? Earn this badge when you increase your fundraising goal.
100 per cent of funds raised through The Kosi Challenge goes towards improving the lives and health outcomes of Australians living with a rare, less common or complex cancer.
Your extra fundraising push can make a major difference to the lives of so many.
Reach the summit
Once you unlock all of the above badges, you can become a fully decorated Kosi Challenger by completing these final tests:

Reach the distance milestone of your choice (virtual only)
For our virtual Kosi Challengers we've set the challenge, can you conquer it? Receive this badge when you reach your selected distance milestone.

Fundraising target reached
Setting a goal and achieving it can be the most satisfying feeling. Reaching your fundraising target is an incredible achievement and one that will make sure you are recognised with this badge.
Can you go all the way?
Have you got what it takes to accomplish all of the tasks? Will you become the ultimate Kosi Challenger?

MVP Kosi Challenger
Obtain all of the badges on this page to unlock the golden Kosi Challenger badge.