We're fundraising for...
The Kosi Challenge is an annual event hosted by Rare Cancers Australia (RCA) to raise awareness and much needed funds for Australians diagnosed with a rare, less common or complex cancer each year.
In March 2025, we will be climbing 2,228 metres above sea level to reach Australia’s highest point to help RCA.
One hundred per cent of funds raised through the Kosi Challenge goes towards the important work of RCA's Patient Support Team.
From helping patients to access specialists and treatments, through to delivering support groups, connecting people with services and providing financial assistance particularly in times of crisis, Patient Support is at the heart of what RCA does.
RCA is a Federal Government-classified Health Promotion Charity. All donations over AU $2 are fully tax deductible.
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you to our Sponsors


Harcourts Coburg
I have faith in you!

Bianca Pellegrini
Go Mum you can do it!!!

Patrick Mehanna
Sounds like it will be fun. Hope there is a chilled bottle of champagne waiting at the end!

Tony King
To quote Chris Handy - 'Go you good thing! Go!'

Louise Graham

Tony Thirlwell
Proud of you



Anne Harris

Neil Wildman
Good luck Marlon

George Vlachos
Good luck Joe.

P For Property
best of luck Joe

Wendy Lu

Evelyn Avina
You are truly admirable Elise, many years supporting oncology! All the very best and enjoy the experience!

Lysa Dahlin
Go Claire!

Cpt. Whizzle Sticks

Jill Klinge & Colm Mac Gabhann
Fantastic effort for a good cause Louise- Colm and Jill

Valda Struwig

Valda Struwig

Adrienne Parker

Judy Hermann
Have fun, it’s for a great cause!!!

Sharon Couper
Good luck Lauren! I have no doubt you’ll absolutely smash it!

Inspiring Louise! Enjoy every minute😊

Jerko Bognar
Great cause all the best.

Helen Brewster
Hope you hv better weather this year xx

Jason Kururangi

Lee Davelaar
I’ll pay triple if you run up.

Christine Cooper Serr
Great team great efforts for wonderful cause ❤️

Lou Cahill

David Weinstein
There is no Mountain too high for Louise ! Amazing amazing

Mary Youssef
Go Jacqs!

Youssef Family
Good luck raising money for a great cause. Make sure you eat well and do your stretches before the walk.

Caisley Graham
Always supporting a worthy cause.

King Charles (big Brother Of Princess Anne)
Dear Malcolm, I am delighted to hear about your participation in the Kosi Challenge this year. Your commitment to climbing 2,228 metres above sea level to support Rare Cancers Australia (RCA) is truly commendable. The work that RCA's Patient Support Team does is invaluable, and your efforts will undoubtedly make a significant impact. In an effort to top my only sister, Princess Anne, I am pleased to personally donate to your cause as well. Your dedication to this cause is inspiring, and I am confident that you will achieve great success in this noble endeavor. Thank you for your unwavering support and for making a difference in the lives of those affected by rare cancers. With warmest regards, King Charles

Karl Cornelius
Good luck Team Pfizer!

Rhonda Buizen
Good luck Loz - what an amazing adventure

Cheree Crisp

Wonderful to see you raising money for such a worthwhile cause.


Henri & Deb Kalisse
Amazing effort yet again. Go Laur. Xxx

Louise Hukins
You go girl. Another long walk!!! Hope it’s a good one Lauren

Dan Okeefe
A great cause to support, Andrew

Patricia Cook
Good Luck and take care

Rob Wilden
Great cause Claire!

Yvonne Rawack
Well done Lauren. I love my daughter

Brendon Adler
Hope it goes well, we are super proud of you and miss dad heaps

Wendy Finianos
So proud of you Joe. A great initiative for a worthy cause. May God Bless You always 🙏

Nidhi Bedre
Go Go Go Jacqui!!!!

Long Lam
Love what you are doing Joe!

Malcolm Lockie

Helen Han
Such an important cause. You’ve got this!

Christie Gladstone
Good luck my friend X great cause ❤️

Tom Hanna

Ouwet El Lebnaniye
Zouzou Ayoub batal men bladi

Mukesh Gohil
Very worthy cause Joe. All the best.

Sammi Williams
Love that you’re doing this. Such a wonderful cause!


Claire Edgerton

Samantha Stevens
Wow taking long walks to the next level! Go girl!!


Terry Nicola

Jen Upton
Good luck Claire! 💪💪💪

Susie Diacopoulos
So inspired by you taking this challenge on!

Evelyn Avina
Enjoy the experience Jacqui and all the best! This is a great cause!

Jamie Benbow

Good luck Lauren, great cause and I hope you have a great time.


Simon Walker
Good luck Claire & team! Such a great cause!

Great cause ,well done George

Russell Allchin
Great cause ,well done Claire

Vesna Crisp
Good cause, go girl 💕

Vita Von Neumann-cosel
Good luck!

Sally Ryan
Good luck Camilla!

Ashleigh Snowden
Good work Lea!

Claire Wilson
Dear Giles, I'm pleased to see you'll be conquering the Kosi Challenge once again. If you decide to dress up with Malcolm for the trek, I'll double to donation after.

Natasha James
Go Claire 💪

M & L
All the best Joe!

Mike Garvin
Go for it Andy!

Shannon Klein
Go team. Your feet may hurt but that’s because you’re helping to kick cancers butt.

Ash Kuchel
Go Lauren! Thanks for doing this for such a close and worthy cause…. I know Lou would appreciate it and so do I . Go well ♥️


Julie Blinn
Go Loz!


Creative Advocacy Solutions
Matched donation by Creative Advocacy Solutions

Brijesh Patel

V Shah
Best of luck Joe

Emilia Morris
You owe me a calendar.

Carine Khoury

Jacqui Youssef

James Baber
Great cause - go team!

Chanel Walker

Fatia Tabet
Well done and good luck team! Enjoy the challenge!

Natalie Bulyk
Go G!

Pam And Bob Bennett
Good on you Georgie 🥰


Go Lauren!

Emilia Morris
Yay George!! 👏🏼 Wish I was with you but will be there in spirit! Enjoy the annual summit and hope you get decent conditions for it. Always a great cause! 😊💜

Alex Hind
Best of Luck mate! You will smash it!

Em Bonser
Go LG!!! A most important cause xxxx

Ashok Dixit

Andrew Thirlwell

Go Cam go!

Steve Quinn
Great cause and can’t be tougher than managing some of the people you have over the years! 😉 Go well!

Enjoy the view 😎

Michael Cahill

Francesca Doherty
Well done Anne! I hope you enjoy the experience!

Fiona Tan
A great cause - all the best Claire and Pfizer team!!

Fiona Tan
Go Malcolm!!

Olivia Egan
Great cause, good luck!

Denis Tebbutt
Great challenge that you will triumph

Tanya Carr-waldron
Go Lauren!

Margaret Green
Good on you, enjoy your walk. 🌺Mum

Good luck Georgie! Love from Uncle Russell

Craig Manser
Awesome effort Joe.

Jan Farrell

Great work Lou.

Piyush Chandgothia
All the best team Pfizer!

Creative Advocacy Solutions
Matched donation by Creative Advocacy Solutions

Le Johnson Family
Go Jay - so cool you’re doing this for the 4th year!

Claire Wilson
What a fantastic cause!! Have a great trek up the mountain for the Kosi Challenge!!

Ambereen Qureshi
Best of Luck Elise!


Krishan Thiru
Go well, Claire and team! Such a great cause

Kristina Luburic
Such a wonderful cause!

Louise Shuggi
Great cause, good luck Claire! X

Glen Sheldon
Good luck Claire

Mathew Godfrey

Good luck for yet another Kosi Challenge. Such a great cause - send my regards to RCA!!!

Giles Stratton

Noah Conyer
Go mum!!

Claire Wilson
I'll double the donation if I see the costumes in action :D

Claire Wilson
Enjoy the trek up and potential run down :)

Brenda Mitchell
Go team Pfizer - Lauren,George,Claire,Malcolm and the whole group. What a great fundraiser and a huge challenge. Go well!

Good luck with your Cosy Challenge

If you don't win, I'm requesting a refund

Go Lea - most importantly, enjoy it!

Steven Nguyen

Steven N
Good luck Malcolm!


Elaine Saad
An amazing cause! Well done team Pfizer and Lauren 🙌🏽

Diane Nicolson
enjoy the climb Lauren, she be easy after Macchu Piccu!

Nidhi Bedre
woohoo - go Louise!!

Nidhi Bedre
Yayyy - go Camilla!!

Shalen P
Best of luck!!

Creative Advocacy Solutions
Matched donation by Creative Advocacy Solutions

Go Louise!

Princess Anne
I extend my warmest wishes as you prepare for the Mt. Kosciuszko challenge. Your determination and spirit in taking on this remarkable endeavor are truly commendable. As you navigate the trails, may you find strength in each step and inspiration in the breathtaking beauty of the landscape around you. This challenge not only tests your physical limits but also showcases your commitment to personal growth and resilience. It is a pleasure to sponsor your journey, and I look forward to hearing about your achievements. Remember, every summit reached is a testament to your hard work and dedication.

Nick Goodwin

The Dalys
Woohoo go Cheree! Such an amazing thing to do!

Simone Conyer
So proud of you mum!

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Claire Grasso
Go Cheree!!!

Penny Farrell

Elaine Krek
All the best Team Pfizer. Enjoy the challenge and the beautiful surroundings whilst doing so. Very proud of all my buddies.

Claire Wilson

Nicky Johnson
Good luck team


John Dimopoulos
Have great climb team Pfizer

Vinita Prasad
You better be the first one up there, considering what you are missing out on!!

Michaela Toohey
Hope everything ok. Enjoy Kozzie!

Victoria Leather

You're awesome! What a legend doing this again and raising more $$. 👏


Donna Deegenaars

Sam Rogers
Could someone please beat Jay-Anna this year

Vita Von Neumann Cosel





Anna Karelas

Evelyn Aviña

Megan Edwards
Good luck all !

Vicky Acuña
Go Claire! Great cause! 💙

Shanny Dyer

Dawn Harris
This is amazing Louise

Margaret And Michael Sampson
This is a wonderful way to honour your Mum who was a very special friend of ours.

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Suzanne Bubb
Great work Louise!

Claire Wilson

Best of Luck

Adam Sims

Ben M
Go Georg and team! If you want to get up there quicker imagine the spiders chasing you.

Woohooo!! Go Lea!

Mark Richmond
Good luck! 💪

Kate Pask
Good luck team! Enjoy the journey!


Break a leg!

Bryan Conyer

Jennifer Lalor

Elise Kelly

Alan Haszard
Good luck Lauren

Annette Rumble
Best of luck for the climb Lauren, a worthwhile cause.

Vinita Prasad
Good Luck!!!

Mon M
What a great cause to support, good luck Claire!

Mon M
Best of luck, Lauren, thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.

Good work Lauren

Good luck with your Kosi Challenge 2025!

Jennifer Petkos
Good luck team!!!

Wendy Song
Go Jacqui!

Wendy S
Go Camilla!

Wendy S
Go Louise!

Gabi Lockyer
So good. Champion. All the best for the challenge from all of us

Carly Mclaughlin
Good luck team! You’ll smash it!

Go Champ!

Go Lea Go!

Keep on kicking goals Claire! 👏💛🙌🏻

Yvette Tunks

Perry Macdonald

Georgina Cook

Jo Hendy
Go you fabulous thing! Proud of you!

Dave Clayton-stamm

Rachel Lewis
Go team Pfizer, see you on the mountain!

Creative Advocacy Solutions
Matched donation by Creative Advocacy Solutions


Jayanna Brewster

Vinita Prasad

Yuen Lai


Giles Stratton


Graham Reynolds
Good luck Joe

Ross H
All the best Louise

Ross H
Give it heaps Camilla

Ross H
Whip it good Jacqui!

Awesome work Jay! Good luck :)

KOSI Challenge - Rare Cancers Australia


Have fun on the climb Kosi crew!

Mark Edwards

Admire your persistence

Shita Pahlevi
Our Team Members

Jay-Anna Brewster

Georgina Cook

Elise Kelly

Lauren Adler

Camilla Cahill

Malcolm Lockie

Anne Harris

Claire Edgerton

Andrew Thirlwell

Lea Godfrey

Louise Graham

Jacqueline Youssef

Joe Ayoub

Cheree Crisp

All the best Joe! Have a safe climb and more than happy to donate to a worthy cause.