Team McGoram
We are climbing Mount Kosciuszko on March 15 to help raise funds for Rare Cancers Australia. We are walking up Australia's tallest mountain to support RCA, who support us and many fellow friends/patients we know! RCA are a lifeline for so many rare cancer patients. They provide individualized support for patients, including: Information about their cancer, emotional support, tools & resources and financial support. Tom and I have accessed all of these supports in the past ten years, especially in the past 12 months. They are the only organization in Australia offering these supports for rare cancer patients. I know many fellow GIST patients who lean on RCA in the same way that we do. Pleases donate if you can
The Kosi Challenge is an annual event hosted by Rare Cancers Australia (RCA) to raise awareness and much needed funds for Australians diagnosed with a rare, less common or complex cancer each year.
In March 2025, we will be climbing 2,228 metres above sea level to reach Australia’s highest point to help RCA.
One hundred per cent of funds raised through the Kosi Challenge goes towards the important work of RCA's Patient Support Team.
From helping patients to access specialists and treatments, through to delivering support groups, connecting people with services and providing financial assistance particularly in times of crisis, Patient Support is at the heart of what RCA does.
RCA is a Federal Government-classified Health Promotion Charity. All donations over AU $2 are fully tax deductible.
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you to our Sponsors


Kate Fehon

Mahananda Dasgupta
Go team 💪 You are both so incredibly strong and positive individuals. So proud of what you are doing for the community.

Nigel Marks

Fvt Family
Well done, team awesome!

The Walking Clinic

Mandy Wheen
One incredible family - you will do it xxxx

Vickii Wallace
Thanks for doing it would like to do it myself but I have an ankle injury right now. But will do it next year. My niece has cancer of the appendix and because of you I checked out the website and found her's also to be a rare cancer which we also kind of knew but now we have more opportunities to investigate some of her current obstacles. xxx good luck and thank you

Jacqui Carrick
Proud to support such a great cause and wonderful friends. I hope you make your funding goal!

Lynn Moore

Greg Macpherson
A great challenge and sure to be a great experience!

Maria Pearson
Great work Team McGoram

Simon Mcgoram
Go team! Enjoy the climb - with much love from Simon, Edi & Ritchie. Xox

Your determination will get you there.

Vickii Wallace
The best life is one we share with others. Teamwork good luck and see you next year

Damian Fehon
Great effort McGorams.

Joanna Adamson
Pleased to support Team McGoram in this huge effort , and for such a good cause! Go you good things!

Ken Smith
Great effort for a great cause!

Wonderful cause and wishing you the best with your efforts!

Meegan & Pierre
Always awesome and inspiring Team McGoram!

Wheen Family

Rosie Wheen
You two are such an inspirational team. Can’t believe you are taking on Mt Kosciusko but who can really be surprised you would be taking a challenge to support the amazing work of the Rare Cancer team

Megan Wyche
Sarah and Tom- you inspire us all! “Enjoy” the walk🙂🙂

Trish And Greg Macek
A great cause, enjoy the view ❤️

Claire Carton

Victoria Gillman
Know that Team McGoram will succeed at this, like they do for all their challenges!!

Go go go!

Whitney Mcgoram

Kristie Graham
You two are so inspirational.

Sandy Argyrides
You’re doing a great thing! I wish you all the luck on the challenge. Go Team McGoram!

Patti Pelosi
Sounds challenging….you two are amazing….Good Luck!

Janet Mcgoram
Wishing you good luck on the climb, Sarah & Tom. Aroha Aunty & Bucko

Trisha Cashmere

Brendan Wilson

Barbara Coates
Always happy to support any member of the McGoram Family, particularly for such a worthy and admirable cause - Good Luck !!

Best of luck for the walk

Elizabeth L Hunt
With you all the way Tom and Sarah. Love Mum xxx

Alexandra Popko

Maree Randolph

Petra Rickman