We're fundraising for...Patients
The Kosi Challenge is an annual event hosted by Rare Cancers Australia (RCA) to raise awareness and much needed funds for Australians diagnosed with a rare, less common or complex cancer each year.
In March 2025, we will be climbing 2,228 metres above sea level to reach Australia’s highest point to help RCA.
One hundred per cent of funds raised through the Kosi Challenge goes towards the important work of RCA's Patient Support Team.
From helping patients to access specialists and treatments, through to delivering support groups, connecting people with services and providing financial assistance particularly in times of crisis, Patient Support is at the heart of what RCA does.
RCA is a Federal Government-classified Health Promotion Charity. All donations over AU $2 are fully tax deductible.
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you to our Sponsors


Dan Higgins
All the best with it Pam!

Surveys And Pumpkin Pies 🥧
Good on ya Pam!!

Christopher Larmour

Merryn Ironmonger
Enjoy the challenge!

Beverley Cooper
For a special girl


Jim Flannery
Well done

John Hayes Col Crawford Bmw / Ebay
good luck and best wishes , john col Crawford BMW

Liam Blood
Make sure you pack swimmers!

Trace & Ted
Hey Pam, we admire you for doing this and are proud to support you. xx

Kate Walker
Go Bayer Bolders! Have the best time! Thank you for doing the Kosi Climb for rare cancers.

Aileen Cerbito

Go Bayer team!

Andrew Cummins


Wayne Mactier
Go Axel and Emma.

Karen And Nick Booth
Great cause, proud of you as always

Sara Grant
Great cause. Good luck x

Michael Schafer
Go Alpana and Quality Team! Walk Fast and raise the flag on the summit.


Gary Kearing
Go Lise. Mum and Dad xx

Steve, Breda, Joshua & Erica Keating
Run Lisa, run faster Lisa.

Cathy Pilarski
Running up that road, running up that hill with no problem.

Linda Wong
Let’s get rid of cancer!!!

Sam Takach

Hanan Mclachlan

Inspiring !!! I want to see the photo from the peak :-) Good Luck and have fun.

Eduardo Pimenta

All the best to team Bayer, a great cause

Glenn Cawthorne
Onya neighbours!

Josie Mignone
Well done guys! So proud of you all x

Adam Graeme Price

The Bishays
Go Monica! You’re an inspiration!


Tim Barlow
Great stuff, Eduardo… hope you’re keeping well!

Marike De Bruyn

Suzy Lucas

Julie Mactier
Good on you kids

Eugenia Borgese
Bravo team Bayer!

Sasha Mcinnes
Good luck Bayer team and Eduardo ! Such a shining example of courage and resilience !

Karen Cincotta
All the best on your walk

Sophie Geraghty
Well done Craig!

Susan De Burgh
Go super Mum!

Susan De Burgh
Super Star!

Lisa Lane
You go girl :)

Lisa Lane
Another adventure!

George Dimitriou
Go Lisa.

George Dimitriou
Go Jackie!

James Carlile

Requesting 10 pushups at the peak!

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Tara Flannery
Fair play Mary!x

Erica Westbury

Catherine Betihavas


Jacqueline Le
Go Marta and team Bayer!

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Great work Mary, enjoy the climb!

James Mcadam
Good luck on the climb Monica!!

Sinead Flannery
Brilliant Mary, enjoy!

Otto Ruettinger
Have an awesome time!

Ryan Amatoury

Great cause! Goodluck

Shelley Bell
Great work Pam.

Liam Blood
Onya fella! Good luck mate, rooting for you!

The Edens
Good on you guys!! Cheering you all the way! 🌸

Bec & Mt

Jordan Aarsen
Kaid is the most honourable and symmetrical man I have ever met. Kind, caring, intelligent and selfless, he's the man I wish I could be. Truely an inspiration. Treasure him and treat him well, because any company would be lucky to have him and every company would be distraught if they lost him. Irreplaceable and heaven sent.

Alexandra Bunton
Go Monica!

Mauricio Bressan
Good luck and all the best!!! Will be cheering for you!!!

Wolfgang Kanhai
Hello Eduardo, cool stuff and enjoy the hike! Kr Wolfgang

Ghazal Dahi
Go Lana Go!

Cathy Pilarski

Maxine Whitford
Well done Zara, a worthy cause!

Michael Young
Onya mate - hope the weather is favourable!

The Oakeys
Great fundraiser - we are cheering for you Eduardo!


Bella Galitsky


Nick Needham

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Nick Needham

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Nick Needham

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Nick Needham

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Nick Needham

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst


Craig Mccarthy


Dattu Prajapati
Wishing all the best

Rasjidah Jones
Good luck and safe walking!

Evie Endacott

Mathew Colivas
good luck, love the spirit for your boy Kords a great kid. Mat

Dane Levison
Good luck Monica. I'll join you next year!

Mirna Abdallah
Champion Maz!!! You got this

Bhavesh Rathod
You go girl!

Duthika Mallawaaratchy
Good luck on the climb!

Dee Bugyi


Chris Reed

Monica Zanini
Good luck!!!

Andrea Krueger
This is on my list of to do’s so sponsoring you for my own inspo and for supporting such an important cause -Rare Cancers

Zara Pilarski

Harry Brooker
big slay

Marisol Rocha Pulido
Best of luck on your walk – you’re doing great work!

Fleur Wilkins
Awesome work Monica for an important cause!

Let's conquer Mt Kosi!

You Go Girl!

Angela Barker
You’ve got this!

Ramend Sharma
All the best !

Cosetta Sawyer
All the best.x

Tristan Breeze

Kathleen Fraser
Great cause Alpana!

Andrew Yong

Andrew Yong

Phyllis Mactier

Aditi Shah
Keep up good the work 👍

Jane Xiao
Go Jackie!

Jane Xiao
Go Lisa!

Barbara Brach
Enjoy your walk and well done Alpana….

Suzanne Kwan
Good luck Mary!! Kick some goals on the climb!!!

James D
Enjoy the climb and rise victorious to a mighty view

Monique Drysdale
Get it Kaid :)

Trish Brizzi
Wish you all the best and success in your challenges and hopefully the weather is kind to you all ❤️🥰🙏

Louise Huskic

Ulrich Scheller
What a great idea Eduardo, good luck! Cheers, Ulrich

Zara Pilarski

Gary Collins

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Zara Pilarski

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Zara Pilarski

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Zara Pilarski

Heng & Hurst
Matched donation by Heng & Hurst

Marko Oroz
You got this! Go Lisa!

Marko Oroz
Go Jackie! Goodluck!

Tim Adam

Rebecca Rott
All the best for the walk!
Our Team Members

Marike De Bruyn

Marta Gutierrez

Kaid Koelmel

Alpana Thakore

Elaine Kelly

Lisa Furley

Michelle Gamble

Eduardo Pimenta

Swetlana Mactier

Swetlana Mactier

Mary Flannery

Zara Pilarski

Sam Takach

Mazen Amatoury

Lisa Lane

Jackie Cooney

Chris Merry

Craig McCarthy

Nicole Lee

Monica Saba

Tony Saba

Aileen Cerbito

Go Bayer Bolders!!!