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My target 50 kms
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Kick-start your fundraising! Earn this badge when your first supporter makes a donation.

Share your ‘why’. Earn this badge when you personalise your page with your story and a photo.

Want to keep your donors updated on your progress? Earn this badge when you share your first update.

Spread the word. Earn this badge when you share your fundraising page with your friends on social media.

Unlock this badge when you reach your fundraising target.

Increased Fundraising Target

We've set the challenge, can you conquer it? Receive this badge when you reach the 25km milestone.

We've set the challenge, can you conquer it? Receive this badge when you reach the 52km milestone.

We set a number of challenges and you accomplished them all! Unlock this badge when you unlock all other badges.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Denise Thornton

Carolyn Ragen
Lovely you are walking for the cause in Alaska Plenty of mountains there

Chloe Webbe

Rebecca Decourcy

The Sombatratanakuls
Thank you for sharing her story and a snippet of memories you had with her.

Nora Fleischer
For Ash! 💜
Great job, Hannah!