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Thank you to my Sponsors


Greg Carver
Awesome, Ger!

Tom Hamilton
Good Luck Gerry Tom and the team at Pureprofile

Paschal Guinan
Best of luck Ger! From Paschal and Susan


Steve Ovington
Fantastic darling x

Dermot Dawson
Best of luck Gerry fair play to you

Denis Guerin
Best of luck Gerard with this great undertaking. Auntie Ann and Denis

Mel, Katrina, Pat, Eve & Kate Guinan
Enjoy the challenge Ger. It will only be a gentle stroll for you……

Michael Houlihan & Maria Mcguinness
Best of luck Gerry! Be sure to have a tipple at the top for St. Patrick! ☘️

Joanne Guerin
All the best with it Gerry!

Paul Harkin

Alison O'connell
Better late than never!


Douglas Lindsay
Good luck!

Rachel Watson
Go well, Gerry and Pavel!

Greg Antcliff
Go well Gerry. Excellent cause ! G xx

Steven Preston

Loreto Guinan
Well done to you and all the crew x

Ricardo Maldonado
Hope you have a wonderful time while supporting a great cause!

Jack Piskorowski

Leo & Grace Guinan
Best of luck and enjoy! Great cause.

Mick Guerin
Fair play Ger! Best of luck from The Wickla Guerin’s

Anna Meiler
Go Gerry! What a wonderful thing to do for such a worthy cause. Hope you get to your goal and above!

Peter Guinan

Bernie Guinan
Best of luck with the climb.

Derek Walker
Great cause, good luck.

Maureen Killane
Best of luck, hope all goes well x

Denis Guerin Jnr.
Best of Luck Gerry!!

Paul Fahey
Good luck in the challenge Gerry

Rory, Karen, Isabelle, Lucia & Conor
Best of luck Ger

David Thompson
Looking forward to seeing the pictures

Aidan Daly

Gayle Dunnet
Great work Gerry

Amber Crowe
All there best gerry!

John Morris
Best of luck Gerry enjoy your climb 🤞

Ro, Gem, Em And Jen @ Resources Group
Go Gerry! Best of luck!! Maybe Team RG will join you next year :)

Aisling O'neill
Best of luck Ger!

Samantha Morris
Best of luck ☺️

Fidelma Guinan
Well done Ger x

David Ward

Paula Figueiredo

Raj Mcbirnie
Great work Gerry!!

Rosie Cantwell
Good Luck Gerry! You will do amazing I am sure.

Audi Li
Good luck Gerry and Pavel!

Andrew P
Fair play Gerry!

Lewis Oswald
Go for it! So proud of you and look forward to the picture of you at the peak when you will be the new highest point in AUS! Good on you lovely man x


Kathleen Ryan
Good luck Gérard from Kathleen and Tom Ryan

Rosarii Guinan
Best of luck with the climb!

Annie Egan
Good Luck

Anna Marie O'dwyer

Paul Leonard
Well done Gerry a great effort for a worthy cause
Our Team

Pavel Novota (C)

Saskia Koller

Leanne D'Aguiar

Yohan Kulupana

Amelia Chichester

Marcus Tan

Gerry Guinan

Dennis Johnson

Joshua Kearns

Sky Kew

Jennifer Kensey

John Ottaway