My Activity Tracking
My target 50 kms
I am fundraising for those who miss out
The Kosi Challenge is an annual event hosted by Rare Cancers Australia (RCA) to raise awareness and much needed funds for Australians diagnosed with a rare, less common or complex cancer each year.
In March 2025, I will be challenging myself to walk or run to help RCA. In 2020 I found out personally how hard the cancer journey is for someone with a rare or less common cancer. Because my cancer was rare, I was diagnosed later, had significant out of pocket costs with my diagnosis and treatment, and missed out on support offered to those with more common cancers. I was lucky with my journey, but others are not as lucky as me. I have been participating in the Kosi Challenge for 5 years. Initially it was to prove to myself that I could overcome a rare cancer diagnosis, but I continue to participate to raise awareness for others like me. I want to see equal outcomes for everyone, regardless of the cancer rarity or complexity.
One hundred per cent of funds raised through the Kosi Challenge goes towards the important work of RCA's Patient Support Team.
From helping patients to access specialists and treatments, through to delivering support groups, connecting people with services and providing financial assistance particularly in times of crisis, Patient Support is at the heart of what RCA does.
RCA is a Federal Government-classified Health Promotion Charity. All donations over AU $2 are fully tax deductible.
Thank you so much for your support.
My Achievements

Kick-start your fundraising! Earn this badge when your first supporter makes a donation.

Share your ‘why’. Earn this badge when you personalise your page with your story and a photo.

Want to keep your donors updated on your progress? Earn this badge when you share your first update.

Spread the word. Earn this badge when you share your fundraising page with your friends on social media.

Unlock this badge when you reach your fundraising target.

Increased Fundraising Target

We've set the challenge, can you conquer it? Receive this badge when you reach the 25km milestone.

We've set the challenge, can you conquer it? Receive this badge when you reach the 52km milestone.

We set a number of challenges and you accomplished them all! Unlock this badge when you unlock all other badges.
My Updates

Since 2021 we have raised nearly $10,000!

No one can simply walk to Mordor....but you did it !!!