My Achievements

Kick-start your fundraising! Earn this badge when your first supporter makes a donation.

Share your ‘why’. Earn this badge when you personalise your page with your story and a photo.

Want to keep your donors updated on your progress? Earn this badge when you share your first update.

Spread the word. Earn this badge when you share your fundraising page with your friends on social media.

Unlock this badge when you reach your fundraising target.

Increased Fundraising Target

We set a number of challenges and you accomplished them all! Unlock this badge when you unlock all other badges.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Anne Baskerville

Dallas Administrative Services Pty Ltd

well done and good luck 🤍

Papa Sam
Just do it!

Jade Baskerville

this is so cute and nice if yous🫶

Helen Coles
All power to you Jade.

Vincent Coles
A small tithe to your cause

Lisa Wilmott
Go you good thing

Our Team

Lily Crossman

Rachel Lewis (C)

Joshua Lewis

Rob Crossman

Joanne Dao

Ella Crossman

Francine Keeling

Robert Keeling

James Keeling

Adrian Neylan

Daniel Neylan

Diana Krawczyk-Bernotas

Seren Salih

lara jafar

Orinta Tarabay

Jade Baskerville

Stephanie Mosaad

Andrew Aitken

Ethan Lewis

Zach Lewis

Rebecca Hogg

Emma Peacock

Sarah Crompton

Sarah Crompton

Josh Cromptons

Carly Neylan

Sarah Clancy

Xavier Pinto

Anika Whitten

Abigail Wright

Audrey Snook

Annika Stipanovic

Emmaline Basha

Caterina Schofield

Mary Tran

Zac Porter

Alexis Neylan

Stephen Moore

Brayden Neylan

Beatrice Neylan

Abigail Neylan

Isabelle Keeling

Good on you all 👍